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Inaccuracies in 'phonics' and 'into'

I noticed slight inaccuracy when typing 'phonics' and 'into' this is how I can transcribe text into phonics [ðɪs ɪz haʊ aɪ kæn trænsˈkraɪb tekst ˈɪntʊ ˈfəʊnɪks]

Mal James , 28.03.2012, 15:16
Response from the site administrator
alvinru, 28.03.2012
Good catch, Mal.

Phonics should read [ˈfɒnɪks], right?

What about 'into'? In your example it should transcribe to [ˈɪntə], shouldn't it? An if it came before a word that began with a vowel sound it should read [ˈɪntuː], right?
Idea status: completed


alvinru, 05.04.2012, 13:35

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